The range and impact of coronavirus spread has reached dimensions that seemed unthinkable just a few weeks ago. Virtually every person and every organization is busy assessing the impact on their own areas.

What the coronavirus means for your recruitment from our point of view, you can read here ...


Where will the Coronavirus journey go?

Unfortunately we cannot answer this question because we do not know the exact answer ourselves. We can only try to assess the consequences for our services as an RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing partner and to consider how we can support you, our clients and partners.

Assumptions on the actual situation

  • The crisis lasts longer, operating facilities and offices are temporarily closed. Employees are sent to home offices.
  • Only parts of the operational processes can be processed from the home office. Access to operational data resources is restricted.
  • Processes in the HR department, including recruitment, stall or delay considerably. Coordination within the team becomes difficult.
  • The search for suitable employees is still a strategically important task that should and must be pursued.

In most companies and organisations, the degree of organisation is far from being at a level that ensures that the physical interaction between employees is not restricted to the result. A full-time attendance was always a lived practice.

What can be done?

Outsourcing is the key word here. If your own company cannot fulfil its recruitment tasks or can only fulfil them partially, you need an HR partner who can ensure that you achieve your goals and map the processes: To always attract and retain the best employees for one's own company and thus to secure the company's development in the long term. Especially in times like these, this includes gaining temporary staff to fill gaps in the short term and secure the operational process.

How can FEL assist you?

Working from the home office is already common practice for FEL employees. FEL as RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing Partner split up all processes in the team. Any employees is experienced in working from their home office concentration on their tasky and collaboration via coworking tools. They are reachable under their familiar extension number, regardless of their location.

Thus, even in times of the coronavirus, FEL ensures that all

  • order acceptances,
  • multiposting processes,
  • Customer and applicant dialogues,
  • applicant hotlines,
  • online assessments and video interviews,
  • and all statistical and reporting services

are securely managed and executed. This is also garanteed in case of FEL office should or would have to remain closed.


What are the efforts for you?

  1. Process safety
    We can step in with the team at short notice and secure or expand your recruitment performance, even if internal company resources fail.
  2. Deadweight effect
    With our know-how and the probable scenario that in the near future more and more companies, authorities and organisations will temporarily close their doors, more potential employees will be reached at home. The higher contact rate leads to more applications.
  3. Sustainability
    You receive a professionalization of your recruitment with a sustainability effect for the future of your company.


How long does a changeover take

This can be done within days, regardless of whether you operate your own application management system or want to upgrade to our system. A personal meeting is not necessary. The procedure is discussed, phased in and then managed via online meetings.


If you would like to learn more about our services, the challenges of recruitment and how you can benefit from working with us, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will always provide you with transparent first-hand information.