We would like to thank our partners - job exchanges and job markets - for their good cooperation in multiposting.
Our Multiposting places your advertisements on different job exchanges and in many print media simultaneously and automatically.
Visit the job exchanges of our partners:
- http://www.jobswype.net
- https://www.metajob.de/
- https://joboost.de
- https://www.jobomat.de/
- https://www.jobboerse.de/
- https://www.mein-jobtool.de/
- https://www.adzuna.de/
- https://www.blenda.de/
Important note:
Despite constant efforts to keep the information up to date, FEL GmbH cannot guarantee that the job portals, job and job exchanges, job search engines and portal partners listed here will always remain the same. The selection may change due to market conditions. FEL GmbH cannot/will not guarantee that every job advertisement will be published at all times on all listed portals or with portal partners of our media partners. The selection and publication of job advertisements is the sole responsibility of the Multiposting Partners. FEL also cannot guarantee that, for example, crawlers will find job advertisements in the network and forward them to other web portals for publication.