Services such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), where software applications are obtained and used from the internet, are standard in many cases. Recruiting-as-a-Service (RaaS) follows the same principle. Parts of the recruiting process are outsourced to an external HR partner.

Around 25 percent of all employees actively look for a new job and use one of the numerous job boards to do so. For most employers, posting job ads on job boards such as Stepstone, Stellenmarkt.de, Indeed or Monster is still the first and sometimes only way to attract candidates. This is the right way to go, and it is still the way to go; but there is more you can do with social recruiting. ...

Are you familiar with Active Sourcing and how it can enhance your recruitment process?
Unlike traditional methods that rely on passive approaches, this proactive approach to personnel acquisition is the key to success. Let's explore how incorporating active sourcing into your strategy will complement efficient employee recruitment efforts.

It is often uncertain which costs has to be expected when hiring a new employee. But be careful: This is not only because recruiters usually don't wish to show their hand!

On their way to investigate firms in Europe offering RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing services the leading American "HR-Tech Outlook" magazín met FEL. They wanted to know anything about our processes and services, and finally they put us on their list of the top 10 Europe RPO firms.
In 2022 the market was validated by "Manage HR". They finally awarded FEL for their superior RPO services in the European market as well (article).

Through the single-page profile, our aim is to allow the readers, our prospective clients, and business partners to develop a thorough understanding of FEL and its unique value proposition in the Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) space. The profile will illustrate the functionality of your services, along with insights into the strengths, vision, culture and a roadmap of the company.