FEL is proven expert in RPO.

 Intelligent Recruitment Process Outsourcing is highly professional management of one to all recruiting tasks by an external HR-Partner.




FEL offers many years of experience in planning, implementing and managing successful recruiting campaigns for several partners. Based on the recruiting management tool HR4YOU we provide

  • automatically generated job advertisements
  • distribution of job ads on several job boards (multi spreading)
  • legally compliant processing of online and e-mail applications
  • standardized communication to applicants including arrival notices, interim notes and decline letters in various styles and languages
  • 24/7 access to incoming applicant data
  • a managed internal candidate pool



iRPO - the intelligent way of RPO

The "i" of iRPO stands for the comprehensive consultation that characterizes the recruiting process with FEL. By that, we can ensure to find the most promising strategy for attracting suitable employees. This is more of a standard HR Outsourcing task, you are familiar with.

On top of multi spreading, we escalate projects if needed with active sourcing and big data research to reach the prefered target group  more precisely. A properly managed recruiting process will decrease your time to hire, improve the quality of your candidate pool and will also help you to strenghten your employer brand. Our RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing with an "i" in front is clearly the best, most effective and most professional way to manage todays' recruitment challenges.



Your benefits
  • More and better applicants
  • Less expenses for recruitment
  • Faster processing of incoming applications
  • standardized applications with one  .pdf file
  • Significant improvement in process quality, because candidates are informed at every stage of the application process.
  • More flexibility in case of low/high working peeks
  • Full protection against viruses, which comes with email attachments 
  • Many more








Intelligent service

Not every vacancy is worth an elaborate head-hunting campaign. Through our years of experience and a moderate use of recruiting tools, we will always find the most effective and therefore cost-saving solution for your job offers.

